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Here are some frequently asked questions and facts :

Q.  How Green is hardwood flooring ? Do you have sustainable flooring ?

A.  All domestic species of hardwood flooring in the Northern America is 100% green. The larger flooring producing countries e.g. Scandinavia, Canada and the United States, maintain good forest management

and in other countries, efforts are being made to produce flooring products from sustainable forestry.

With the enactment of the Lacey Act in 2008, the U.S. government requires an import declaration for plants products to contain the scientific name of the plant, the value of the importation, the quantity of the

plant and the name of the country from which the plant was taken. Importers of timber or products made from illegally harvested plants as well as anyone who transports, sells, receives, acquires or purchases such products in the United States, may be prosecuted.


Q.  How should I maintain the cleanliness of my floor ?

A.  Each brand of flooring has it's own maintenance guide for customers' reference that we provide upon purchase. Otherwise we recommend the BONA PRO CLEANER product that is made specifically for

hardwood floors.

We received many calls to repair hardwood flooring that were cleaned with mop and water (floor boards can buckle) or with the supermarket sold cleaning product that either create shiny spots or a waxy feel

(some people had actually slipped and fell) or leave a film of powdery substance on the floor.


Q.  What is the hardness of that hardwood specie ?

A.  Click at Janka Hardness to find out more details.

If you have any question, please call us at 831-426-7300 for more information.

Red Oak with Walnut border flooring

Top Tel : (831) 426-7300
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